Step |01
Step |01 Selection
Browse through our extensive catalog of vintage items. Select a category to view by type. Take note of items that you would like to rent. Write down the item # and description of items that you have selected.
Step |02 Inquire
Once you have selected the items that you would like to rent - contact us by email. Fill out our contact form, describe your event/production, give us the proposed rental date, and list the items that you would like to rent.
Step|03 Reserve
After we receive your rental inquiry form, we will either contact you for more details or send you a rental price list and rental agreement. If all terms are agreeable, a 50% deposit is required to reserve the items for your date. The remaining 50% is due one week prior to your event.
If you have a certain vintage item in mind that you don't see...... >>
Step |02
Step |03